Monday, September 4, 2017

September in EW II

Sep. 27 Summer Review / Chap. 11-12
1) check summer HW assignments, confirm completion of reading - graded readers
2) check sharing of 後期 Error Logs
3) confirm Chap. 11 exercises, go through Chap. 12
4) preview 後期 Essays
  • Character Essay
  • Symbol-Motif-Theme Essay
  • Author Essay
5) view and discuss presentation: Writing about Characters
6) discuss and assign HW

1) review assigned summer novel - choose a character to write about
2) make notes about the character - use Character Checklist (make this worksheet)

Oct. 28 Character Essay
1) check HW
2) discuss Character-Based Writing Assignments
5) discuss and assign HW

1) Chap. 13 exercises

Alternate Activities (Optional)
discuss and assign Character Essay
  • read through outline as class, highlight types of information
  • look at Works Cited entries
  • practice writing Introduction and 1st Body (maybe 2nd also) paragraphs together
  • review and improve outlines

  • look at and work with examples
  • utilize (見・引・定・説・ま)
    discuss 5 Point Paragraphs (Top-QP-Def-Exp-Sum)
    Top       1. State the Topic Sentence point
    Def       3. Define the terms in the quote or paraphrase.
    QP        2. Quote or paraphrase an fact, statistic or expert opinion
    Exp       4. Explain how the idea relates to the topic you’re writing about.
    Sum      5. Summarize the paragraph