Friday, September 19, 2014

2013 January in EW

Jan. 8 - Draft Essay 2
1) review of HW assignment from Dec. 18
2) discussion of outline for Essay 2
3) individual work on Essay 2

1) complete draft 1 of Essay 2

Jan. 15 - Rewrite Essay 2/Assign Essay 3
1) do peer review of Essay 2 ala p. 50, section 2.2
2) do rewrite of Essay 2 - time limit applies
3) discuss and assign Essay 3 from Unit 9 (Descriptive Essay II)

1) complete outline of Essay 3
2) create, share and write draft 1 of Essay 3

Jan. 22 - Work on Essay 3, using sources
1) introduce using sourced information(引用、参考文献)
2) find at least one online source of information for Essay 3
3) add Works Cited List to Essay 3(参考文献)

1) complete Essay 3 with sourced information(引用、参考文献)

Jan. 29 - Rewrite Essay 3, using sources
1) introduce using sourced information(引用、参考文献)
2) find at least one online source of information for Essay 3
3) add Works Cited List to Essay 3(参考文献)

1) none assigned - end of term

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