Saturday, November 15, 2014

2013 November in EW

Nov. 5 - Chap. 4 - Cohesion
1) class announcements
  • rescheduling of Oct. 16 cancelled class
  • policy concerning unfinished HW assignments
2) discuss and review Chap. 4 Coherence, pp. 47-53
3) discuss and assign Chap. 4 Coherence, pp. 40-43
4) make a decision concerning doing Unit 2, pp. 12-17 (NEW TEXT)

1) complete Chap. 4 Coherence, pp. 43-50

Nov. 12 - Chap. 4 - Cohesion, continued
1) check students' progress on Chap. 4 HW (through Practice 6, p. 50
2) go through above exercises (student-led, feedback and explanation from instructor)
  • Practice 3 - highlight transition words in 2nd ex., review functions
  • Practice 4 - highlight transition words, add punctuation
  • Practice 5 - as directed in text, check answers (student-led)
  • Practice 6 - assigned as HW, choose two of the topics, write two paragraphs on a shared google doc, title the document EW Chap 4 Practice 6 + 名字
1) do Practice 6
  • choose one of the topics in Practice 6 on page 50
  • write one paragraph based on your choice on a shared google doc
  • title the document EW Chap 4 Practice 6 + 名字
2) do Unit 2, Section 1.1 pp. 12-13

Nov. 19  - Unit 3 What Do You Think (opinion paragraph)
1) revise Practice 6 on page 50
2) review and revise answers for Unit 2, Section 1.1 pp. 12-13
3) discuss and assign Unit 3, pp. 18-23

1) do Unit 3, pp. 18-23

Nov. 26 - Unit 3 - What Do You Think (opinion paragraph)
1) discuss and review do Unit 3, pp. 18-22
2) discuss and Unit 3, pp. 18-22
  • Step 4, p. 23 assigned as HW
  • create and share Step 4, p. 23 HW as EW Paragraph 13 last name
  • complete Paragraph 13 by Sunday, Dec. 1
1) write Paragraph 13 by Sunday, Dec. 1

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