Tuesday, January 13, 2015

2015 January in EW

Jan. 14
1) discuss timing of marking for Essay 3 (by this week)
2) review Ss error logs
  • Ss share with instructor
3) review progress on Essay 4 assignment
4) do error analysis-correction process
  • Ss create own error analysis exercise using group template
  • Ss make copy of template and share with instructor 
  • instructor models how to input paragraphs into template
  • Ss input own paragraphs, print paper copy
  • Ss peer-correct with partner, taking turns with each paragraph
  • instructor checks to extent possible
  • consider doing only body paragraphs - time limited
5) review and assign preparation for in-class Outlining-Writing Quiz
  • offer list of topics, Ss choose topic
  • Ss copy Works Cited List for their topic
  • set format for outline - 4 paragraphs (Introduction, Body 1, Body 2, Conclusion)
  • show outline template
  • Ss create outline doc with Works Cited List
1) research topic
2) write outline

Jan. 28
1) look at Shared Work Record
2) make corrections and improvements on Essays 3 and 4

1) none assigned - end of term