Thursday, December 4, 2014

2014 December in EW

Dec. 3
1) watch video: English Grammar Lesson - The Sentence
2) do peer correction on body paragraphs A, B and C for Essay 3
  • use prepared worksheets
  • look at examples of 引用 and 参考文献, make corrections in student paragraphs
3) do Unit 1, Part 3 Sentence Structure, pp.15-19, including paragraph writing exercise (p. 19)
  • from Introduction to Academic Writing text
4) assign HW (see below - start in class if time allows)

1) retype body paragraphs A, B and C for Essay 3
2) outline and write remaining body paragraphs (D and E) for Essay 3

Dec. 10
1) do peer correction on body paragraphs D and E for Essay 3
  • use prepared worksheets
  • look at examples of 引用 and 参考文献, make corrections in student paragraphs
3) discuss and assign Essay 3 Introduction and Conclusion paragraphs
4) assign HW (see below - start in class if time allows)

1) complete Essay 3
  • add Introduction Paragraph
  • add Conclusion Paragraph

Dec. 17
1) read example thesis and body paragraphs for Bad Lies
2) create template for Essay 4 (Topic: Good Lies - 4 to 5 paragraphs)

  • students do pair work on handout - body paragraphs for Good Lies
  • share the above template
  • hand out, read and discuss reading: Why do we lie? (note citation)
  • return to handout, fill out Introduction section
  • students make their own copy, share with instructor
  • document title: EW Name Essay 4
  • add Works Cited section, assign 引用
  • assign transfer of notes from handout to students' own copy of the template
  • assign creating conclusion section on Essay 4 outline

3) do Types of Sentences exercises, pp. 152-154
4) assign writing Essay 4 from the outline, set due date

1) complete a draft of Essay 4 from the outline
2) TBD

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