Wednesday, September 2, 2015

2014 September-October in EW

Sep. 24 - Essay Writing & 前期 Review
1) review end of previous text
2) review new text - provide copies of first section as necessary
3) discuss Slips VS Errors - review Writing Guide, p. 8 前期テキスト
4) assign editing - negotiate aspects of editing that are students' responsibility
5) do peer-editing

1) TBD
2) TBD

Oct. 1 - Paragraph 9 (Opinion Paragraph)
1) review Shared Work Record to date
2) discuss and review Unit 3, pp. 18-23 (New text)
3) create and share Paragraph 9 (pp. 22-23 Assignment)

1) complete EW Paragraph 9 by Oct. 6
2) read and do exercises in Unit 3, pp. 18-21

Oct. 8 - Paragraph 10 (Problem-Solution Paragraph)
1) review progress in Unit 3, pp. 18-21
2) do peer/self edit on Paragraph 9 as per Step 5, p. 23
3) discuss and do Unit 4, pp. 24-27
4) assign, create and share Paragraph 10 (pp. 27-29 Steps 3 & 4)

1) complete EW Paragraph 10 by Oct. 13
2) complete exercises in Unit 4, pp. 24-27

Oct. 15 Paragraph 11 (Cause Paragraph)
1) review progress in Unit 4, pp. 24-27
2) do peer/self edit on Paragraph 10 as per Step 5, p. 29
3) assign Unit 5, pp. 30-33 as HW
4) assign, create and share an outline for EW Paragraph 11 (34-35 Step 3)

1) complete EW Paragraph 10 by Oct. 17
2) complete exercises in Unit 5, pp. 30-33
3) complete the outline for EW Paragraph 11 by Oct. 19
  • possible Paragraph 11 topics listed on p. 34
  • outline format shown on p. 34 (create and share outline as google doc)

Oct. 22 Paragraph 11 (Effect Paragraph)
1) review progress in Unit 5, pp. 30-33
2) do group exercises
3) write Paragraph 11 from your shared google doc outline
4) assign HW

1) complete EW Paragraph 11 by Oct. 25
2) complete exercises in Unit 5, pp. 35-38
3) complete the outline for EW Paragraph 12 by Oct. 27
  • possible Paragraph 12 topics listed on p. 38
  • outline format shown on p. 39 (create and share outline as google doc)

Oct. 29 Paragraph 12 (Effect Paragraph)
1) review progress in Chap. 5, pp. 35-36 (Step 4)
2) complete group exercises
3) do peer-editing exercise for Paragraph 11 (need worksheet)
4) do paragraph analysis on Unit 5, pp. 37-38 (Step 5)
5) create and share an outline for Paragraph 12
  • read Unit 5, Step 6 pp. 38-40
  • create and share the outline on a google doc
1) write Paragraph 12
2) in the text, read and do Unit 6, pp. 40-43

Monday, August 31, 2015

Additional Material

Chapters 12 & 13: Review & Paragraph to Essay
1) peer evaluation and revision of Paragraph 9 (time limited)
2) check remaining activities from Chap. 12
3) assign and do activities from Chap. 13, pp. 84-87
4) assign Assignment, p. 87

1) complete Chap. 13 exercises, pp. 84-87
2) do Assignment, p. 87
  • create and share the above assignment with the instructor <>
  • document title: EW last name Essay 1
  • finish making an outline and Works Cited for Paragraph 10 by July 26
  • finish writing Paragraph 10 by July 28
3) obtain the 後期 text: From Paragraph to Essay
4) read the first Chapter

Thursday, July 30, 2015

EW Summer Homework

1) write the Classification Paragraph(8月15日は締切)
2) do all Chapter 11 exercises, pp. 74-78
3) write the Comparison and Contrast Paragraph(8月31日は締切)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

2015 January in EW

Jan. 14
1) discuss timing of marking for Essay 3 (by this week)
2) review Ss error logs
  • Ss share with instructor
3) review progress on Essay 4 assignment
4) do error analysis-correction process
  • Ss create own error analysis exercise using group template
  • Ss make copy of template and share with instructor 
  • instructor models how to input paragraphs into template
  • Ss input own paragraphs, print paper copy
  • Ss peer-correct with partner, taking turns with each paragraph
  • instructor checks to extent possible
  • consider doing only body paragraphs - time limited
5) review and assign preparation for in-class Outlining-Writing Quiz
  • offer list of topics, Ss choose topic
  • Ss copy Works Cited List for their topic
  • set format for outline - 4 paragraphs (Introduction, Body 1, Body 2, Conclusion)
  • show outline template
  • Ss create outline doc with Works Cited List
1) research topic
2) write outline

Jan. 28
1) look at Shared Work Record
2) make corrections and improvements on Essays 3 and 4

1) none assigned - end of term