Wednesday, December 7, 2016

December in EW

Dec. 7 Comparison Essay - Conclusions & Editing
1) discuss performance on current essay
  • overuse of source material - impose limits (20%)
  • check completion rate
2) discuss conclusions
3) discuss and assign HW - set deadlines
4) announce 振替授業 day (Jan. 18)

1) complete the conclusion for Comparison Essay 1
2) use Error Log to check grammar, spelling, formatting

Dec. 14 Free (Semi) Topic Literature Essay - Research
1) make deadline for completion of Comparison Essay
3) discuss and assign HW - set deadlines

1) complete Comparison Essay by Dec. 16(金)
2) read sources for topic choice
3) complete the outline for Free Topic Essay by Dec. 20(火)

Dec. 21 Free Topic Literature Essay - Outline
1) complete Comparison Essay, set work schedule
  • Ss not yet finished with Comparison Essay do so
  • Ss finished with Comparison Essay check with Error Log
2) and share Free Topic Literature Essay document
look at examples of outlines
discuss main points
3) discuss and assign HW

1) outline and draft Free Topic Literature Essay
2) complete unfinished assignments
3) enjoy holidays

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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