Thursday, December 4, 2014

2014 December in EW

Dec. 3
1) watch video: English Grammar Lesson - The Sentence
2) do peer correction on body paragraphs A, B and C for Essay 3
  • use prepared worksheets
  • look at examples of 引用 and 参考文献, make corrections in student paragraphs
3) do Unit 1, Part 3 Sentence Structure, pp.15-19, including paragraph writing exercise (p. 19)
  • from Introduction to Academic Writing text
4) assign HW (see below - start in class if time allows)

1) retype body paragraphs A, B and C for Essay 3
2) outline and write remaining body paragraphs (D and E) for Essay 3

Dec. 10
1) do peer correction on body paragraphs D and E for Essay 3
  • use prepared worksheets
  • look at examples of 引用 and 参考文献, make corrections in student paragraphs
3) discuss and assign Essay 3 Introduction and Conclusion paragraphs
4) assign HW (see below - start in class if time allows)

1) complete Essay 3
  • add Introduction Paragraph
  • add Conclusion Paragraph

Dec. 17
1) read example thesis and body paragraphs for Bad Lies
2) create template for Essay 4 (Topic: Good Lies - 4 to 5 paragraphs)

  • students do pair work on handout - body paragraphs for Good Lies
  • share the above template
  • hand out, read and discuss reading: Why do we lie? (note citation)
  • return to handout, fill out Introduction section
  • students make their own copy, share with instructor
  • document title: EW Name Essay 4
  • add Works Cited section, assign 引用
  • assign transfer of notes from handout to students' own copy of the template
  • assign creating conclusion section on Essay 4 outline

3) do Types of Sentences exercises, pp. 152-154
4) assign writing Essay 4 from the outline, set due date

1) complete a draft of Essay 4 from the outline
2) TBD

Saturday, November 15, 2014

2013 November in EW

Nov. 5 - Chap. 4 - Cohesion
1) class announcements
  • rescheduling of Oct. 16 cancelled class
  • policy concerning unfinished HW assignments
2) discuss and review Chap. 4 Coherence, pp. 47-53
3) discuss and assign Chap. 4 Coherence, pp. 40-43
4) make a decision concerning doing Unit 2, pp. 12-17 (NEW TEXT)

1) complete Chap. 4 Coherence, pp. 43-50

Nov. 12 - Chap. 4 - Cohesion, continued
1) check students' progress on Chap. 4 HW (through Practice 6, p. 50
2) go through above exercises (student-led, feedback and explanation from instructor)
  • Practice 3 - highlight transition words in 2nd ex., review functions
  • Practice 4 - highlight transition words, add punctuation
  • Practice 5 - as directed in text, check answers (student-led)
  • Practice 6 - assigned as HW, choose two of the topics, write two paragraphs on a shared google doc, title the document EW Chap 4 Practice 6 + 名字
1) do Practice 6
  • choose one of the topics in Practice 6 on page 50
  • write one paragraph based on your choice on a shared google doc
  • title the document EW Chap 4 Practice 6 + 名字
2) do Unit 2, Section 1.1 pp. 12-13

Nov. 19  - Unit 3 What Do You Think (opinion paragraph)
1) revise Practice 6 on page 50
2) review and revise answers for Unit 2, Section 1.1 pp. 12-13
3) discuss and assign Unit 3, pp. 18-23

1) do Unit 3, pp. 18-23

Nov. 26 - Unit 3 - What Do You Think (opinion paragraph)
1) discuss and review do Unit 3, pp. 18-22
2) discuss and Unit 3, pp. 18-22
  • Step 4, p. 23 assigned as HW
  • create and share Step 4, p. 23 HW as EW Paragraph 13 last name
  • complete Paragraph 13 by Sunday, Dec. 1
1) write Paragraph 13 by Sunday, Dec. 1

Saturday, September 20, 2014

2013 December in EW

Dec. 4 - Unit 4 This May Work (problem-solution paragraph)
1) do Step 5, p. 23 on Paragraph 13
2) work through pp. 24-27 with the class (student-assisted instruction)
3) do Step 3, pp. 27-28
4) assign Step 4, p. 29 as HW (Paragraph 14)

1) write Paragraph 14
  • create and share Paragraph 14 as a google doc
  • document title: EW last name Paragraph 14
  • complete writing by Sunday, Dec. 8

Dec. 11 - Unit 6 What Is an Essay?
1) photos for 2015 Kyoritsu pamphlet
2) work on Step 1, pp. 40-43
3) work through Steps 2-3, pp. 44-47 with the class (student-assisted instruction)
4) discuss and assign Unit 7, Steps 1-2 as HW (Essay 2)
5) look again at the diagram at the top of our blog

1) read and do Steps 1.1, p. 41 and 1.2, p. 42 (上だけ)
2) read and do Step 3, pp. 46-47
3) read and do Step 1, pp. 48

Dec. 18 - Unit 7 Who Am I?
1) check work on Step 3, p. 46-47 with the class (student-assisted instruction)
2) review progress on Step 1, p. 48 with the class (student-assisted instruction)
3) look again at the diagram at the top of our blog
4) write Essay 2
  • create and share Essay 2 as a google doc
  • document title: EW last name Essay 2
  • complete writing by Sunday, Jan. 5
1) choose one of three options for a thesis statement on p. 48
2) write an outline for your thesis statement on p. 48
3) write EW Essay 2, based on the p. 48 outline
  • create and share Essay 2 as a google document (share this with your instructor, Chris Hoskins)

Unused Material - Unit 5 How Could It Happen? (cause & effect paragraph)
1) do Step 5, p. 29 on Paragraph 14
2) check work on Step 1, pp. 30-31
3) work through Steps 2-4, pp. 32-26 with the class (student-assisted instruction)
  • prepare and do paragraph as example for class
5) do Step 5, pp. 37-38
4) assign Step 6, pp. 38-39 as HW (Paragraph 15)

1) write Paragraph 15
  • create and share Paragraph 15 as a google doc
  • document title: EW last name Paragraph 15
  • complete writing by Sunday, Dec. 15
2) read and do exercises in Unit 6, Step 1, pp. 40-43

Friday, September 19, 2014

2013 January in EW

Jan. 8 - Draft Essay 2
1) review of HW assignment from Dec. 18
2) discussion of outline for Essay 2
3) individual work on Essay 2

1) complete draft 1 of Essay 2

Jan. 15 - Rewrite Essay 2/Assign Essay 3
1) do peer review of Essay 2 ala p. 50, section 2.2
2) do rewrite of Essay 2 - time limit applies
3) discuss and assign Essay 3 from Unit 9 (Descriptive Essay II)

1) complete outline of Essay 3
2) create, share and write draft 1 of Essay 3

Jan. 22 - Work on Essay 3, using sources
1) introduce using sourced information(引用、参考文献)
2) find at least one online source of information for Essay 3
3) add Works Cited List to Essay 3(参考文献)

1) complete Essay 3 with sourced information(引用、参考文献)

Jan. 29 - Rewrite Essay 3, using sources
1) introduce using sourced information(引用、参考文献)
2) find at least one online source of information for Essay 3
3) add Works Cited List to Essay 3(参考文献)

1) none assigned - end of term

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Well, here we go again...

July 31 - Starting Over
1) share all paragraphs again at...
2) check HW assignments
3) discuss continuation into next term

1) TBD