Saturday, March 14, 2020

April in EW

April 23 - Class Introduction - The Writing Guide - Formatting & Punctuation
1) class introduction - explanation of policies (see What's My Grade?)
  • seating & attendance
  • types of assignments
  • grading
  • shared docs and spreadsheets
2) explain Google Drive use
  • create non-Kyoritsu google account
  • go over document creation and sharing, create assignment below
3) go over Writing Guide, pp. 6-12
4) do EW Formatting & Punctuation Practice
5) discuss and assign HW
      1) do Formatting-Punctuation Paragraph (shared with all class members)

      April 30 Chapter 1 - What Is a Paragraph?
      1) review and give feedback on EW Formatting & Punctuation Practice
      2) read through first sections of Chap. 1
      3) discuss and assign HW

      1) read and do exercises in Chapter 1
      2) study and remember vocabulary from Chapter 1
      3) study for Chapter 1 Vocabulary Quiz

      Friday, March 13, 2020

      May in EW

      May 7 Chapter 2 - The Topic Sentence
      1) do attendance, check completion on HW assignment
      2) do and check Chapter 2 Vocabulary Quiz
      3) discuss Chap. 2 The Topic Sentence
      4) do Vocabulary Level Test
      • record levels for future reference
      3) begin to discuss, work through and assign Chap. 3
      • read through Chap. 3 entirely
      • begin Chap. 3 exercises
      1) do exercises in Chapter 3
      2) study for Chapter 3 Vocabulary Quiz

      May 14 - Chapter 3 - Supporting Sentences
      1) do attendance, HW check on Shared Work Record
      2) go through answers for Chap.
      3) discuss and assign Chap. 4 Time Order

      1) complete Chap. 4 exercises
      2) TBD

      May 21 - Chapter 4 - Time Order
      1) do attendance, HW check on Shared Work Record
      2) do Chap. 4 Vocabulary Quiz
      3) go through answers for Chap. 4
      4) discuss and assign Time Order Paragraph
      1) create individual Google account (only if necessary)
      2) complete Time Order Paragraph

      May 28 - Evaluation of Time Order Paragraph
      1) do Chap. 4 Vocabulary Quiz
      2) review and discuss quality of writing on Time Order Paragraph
      3) go through answers for Chap. 5
      4) discuss, work through and assign Chap. 5 Space Order

      1) complete Chap. 5 exercises
      2) create, share and complete Space Order Paragraph
      3) study for Chapter 5 Vocabulary Quiz

      Thursday, March 12, 2020

      June in EW

      June 4 - Chapter 5 - Space Order
      1) do attendance, HW check on Shared Work Record
      2) do Chap. 5 Vocabulary Quiz
      3) go through answers for Chap. 5
      4) discuss, work through and assign Chap. 6 Process and Direction
      • read through Chap. 6 introduction
      • begin Chap. 6 exercises
      1) complete Chap. 6 exercises, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4
      2) create, share and write Process and Direction Paragraph - 締め切り - 6/18(月)

      June 11 - Chapter 6: Process and Direction
      1) do Chap. 6 Vocabulary Quiz
      2) discuss results of Process and Direction Paragraph check

      3) go through answers for Chap. 6
      begin working through Chap. 7 Cause and Effect
      5) discuss and assign HW
      complete Chap. 7 exercises
      2) TBD

        June 18 - Chapter 7: Cause and Effect
      1) update Shared Work Record
      2) do Vocabulary Quiz for Chapter 7
      3) check answers for Chapter 7 exercises
      4) set up (create and share) Cause and Effect Paragraph, set 締め切り
      5) discuss and assign HW

      1) complete Cause and Effect Paragraph(締め切り=7月2日)
      2) do Chapter 8 exercises
      3) prepare for Chapter 8 Vocabulary Quiz

      June 25 - Chapter 8: Examples
      1) review and discuss Cause and Effect Paragraphs
      2) do Chapter 8 Vocabulary Quiz
      3) review and check Chapter 8 text exercises
      4) set up Chapter 8 writing assignment
      5) discuss and assign HW

      1) do Chapter 9 text exercises
      2) create, share and write Examples Paragraph
      (Choose one from the list below)
      • Examples of Protagonists in Literature
      • Examples of Antagonists in Literature
      • Examples of Genres in Literature
      • Examples of Supporting Characters in Literature

      Wednesday, March 11, 2020

      July in EW

      July 2 - Chapter 9: Definition
      1) check Chapter 9 text exercises
      2) set up Chapter 9 writing assignment
      3) discuss and assign HW

      1) do Chap. 10 text exercises
      2) create, share and write Definition Paragraph
      (Choose one from the list below)
      • What Is a Protagonist in Literature?
      • What Is a Antagonist in Literature?
      • What Is a Theme in Literature?
      • What Is a Motif in Literature?
      • What Is a Character Arc in Literature?
      • What Is Setting in Literature?
      • What Is a Supporting Character in Literature?
      • What Is a Plot in Literature?
      • What Is a Symbolism in Literature?

      July 9 - Chapter 10: Classification
      1) check answers for Chapter 10 text exercises
      3) create, share and write Classification Paragraph
      (Choose one from the list below)
      • Types of Characters in Literature
      • Types of Plots in Literature
      • Types of Character Arcs in Literature
      4) discuss and assign HW

      1) do Chap. 11 text exercises
      2) complete Classification Paragraph

      July 16 Chapter 11: Comparison and Contrast
      1) discuss initial drafts of Classification Paragraph
      2) do Chapter 11 text exercises
      3) create and share Comparison and Contrast Paragraph
      (Choose one from the list below)
      • Title: A Comparison of the Book and Movie
      • Genre and Genre: A Comparison of Two Genres
      • Title and Title: A Comparison of Two Movies
      • Plot and Plot: A Comparison of Two Types of Plots
      • Character and Character: A Comparison of Two Protagonists
      • Character and Character: A Comparison of Two Antagonists
      • Character and Character: A Comparison of Two Supporting Characters
      • A Comparison of Japanese and Western Literature
      1) complete Chap. 11 text exercises
      2) write Comparison and Contrast Paragraph(締め切り・7月30日)

      Wednesday, December 18, 2019

      January in EW II

      Jan. 15 - Drafting and/or Revising Author Analysis Essay
      1) use EW Essay Self-Check Checklist
      2) complete drafting and revise Author Analysis Essay
      3) discuss and assign HW

      1) complete Author Analysis Essay

      Jan. 22 - Plan and start drafting for Long Form Novel Analysis Essay
      1) do self-check and revision of Author Analysis Essay (if not already completed)
      2) work on Long Form Novel Analysis Essay
      3) discuss and assign HW

      1) complete Long Form Novel Analysis Essay

      Jan. 29 - Revise Long Form Novel Analysis Essay 
      1) do self-check of Long Form Novel Analysis Essay
      2) revise, resubmit above essay

      Homework - None assigned, end of term

      Tuesday, December 17, 2019

      December in EW II

      Dec. 4 - Drafting Theme-Motif-Symbol Analysis Essay
      1) review and comment on outlines
      2) discuss and demonstrate drafting of example essay sections
      3) draft Character Analysis Essay
      4) discuss and assign HW

      1) complete Setting Analysis Essay draft

      Dec. 11 - Revising Theme-Motif-Symbol Analysis Essay / Outlining Author Analysis Essay
      1) use EW Essay Self-Check Checklist to evaluate Character Analysis draft
      • identify recurring error types
      2) revise Character Analysis Essay
      3) discuss and develop outline template for Author Analysis Essay
      4) discuss and assign HW

      1) complete Author Analysis Outline

      Dec. 18 - Drafting Author Analysis Essay
      1) review and comment on outlines
      2) discuss and demonstrate drafting of example essay sections
      3) draft Author Analysis Essay
      4) discuss and assign HW

      1) complete Author Analysis Essay draft

      Tuesday, November 26, 2019

      November in EW II

      Nov. 6 - Character Analysis Essay - Drafting
      1) review completion of Theme Motif Symbol Outlines
      2) demonstrate drafting from example Phantom of the Opera Outline
      3) create, share and begin drafting Theme Motif Symbol Essays
      4) discuss and assign HW, set deadline for completion of essays

      1) draft the Theme Motif Symbol Essay

      Nov. 13 Character Analysis Essay - Revising / Setting Analysis Essay - Outlining
      1) check citations, Works Cited lists
      2) review progress on drafts
      3) do peer Essay Checks
      4) begin revising Theme Motif Symbol Essay
      5) discuss and assign HW

      1) complete revision Theme Motif Symbol Essay

      Nov. 20 Setting Analysis Essay - Drafting
      1) review Setting Analysis Outlines
      2) begin drafting Setting Analysis Essay
      3) discuss and assign HW

      1) complete outline of Setting Analysis Essay

      Nov. 27 Setting Analysis Essay - Revising / Theme-Motif-Symbol Analysis Essay - Outlining
      1) use EW Essay Self-Check Checklist to evaluate Setting Analysis draft
      • identify recurring error types
      2) do short lecture on writing about characters
      • types of characters
      • types of character arcs
      • types of character traits
      3) discuss and assign HW

      1) complete work on Character Analysis Outline (締め切り:12月3日)