Wednesday, March 11, 2020

July in EW

July 2 - Chapter 9: Definition
1) check Chapter 9 text exercises
2) set up Chapter 9 writing assignment
3) discuss and assign HW

1) do Chap. 10 text exercises
2) create, share and write Definition Paragraph
(Choose one from the list below)
  • What Is a Protagonist in Literature?
  • What Is a Antagonist in Literature?
  • What Is a Theme in Literature?
  • What Is a Motif in Literature?
  • What Is a Character Arc in Literature?
  • What Is Setting in Literature?
  • What Is a Supporting Character in Literature?
  • What Is a Plot in Literature?
  • What Is a Symbolism in Literature?

July 9 - Chapter 10: Classification
1) check answers for Chapter 10 text exercises
3) create, share and write Classification Paragraph
(Choose one from the list below)
  • Types of Characters in Literature
  • Types of Plots in Literature
  • Types of Character Arcs in Literature
4) discuss and assign HW

1) do Chap. 11 text exercises
2) complete Classification Paragraph

July 16 Chapter 11: Comparison and Contrast
1) discuss initial drafts of Classification Paragraph
2) do Chapter 11 text exercises
3) create and share Comparison and Contrast Paragraph
(Choose one from the list below)
  • Title: A Comparison of the Book and Movie
  • Genre and Genre: A Comparison of Two Genres
  • Title and Title: A Comparison of Two Movies
  • Plot and Plot: A Comparison of Two Types of Plots
  • Character and Character: A Comparison of Two Protagonists
  • Character and Character: A Comparison of Two Antagonists
  • Character and Character: A Comparison of Two Supporting Characters
  • A Comparison of Japanese and Western Literature
1) complete Chap. 11 text exercises
2) write Comparison and Contrast Paragraph(締め切り・7月30日)