Saturday, March 14, 2020

April in EW

April 23 - Class Introduction - The Writing Guide - Formatting & Punctuation
1) class introduction - explanation of policies (see What's My Grade?)
  • seating & attendance
  • types of assignments
  • grading
  • shared docs and spreadsheets
2) explain Google Drive use
  • create non-Kyoritsu google account
  • go over document creation and sharing, create assignment below
3) go over Writing Guide, pp. 6-12
4) do EW Formatting & Punctuation Practice
5) discuss and assign HW
      1) do Formatting-Punctuation Paragraph (shared with all class members)

      April 30 Chapter 1 - What Is a Paragraph?
      1) review and give feedback on EW Formatting & Punctuation Practice
      2) read through first sections of Chap. 1
      3) discuss and assign HW

      1) read and do exercises in Chapter 1
      2) study and remember vocabulary from Chapter 1
      3) study for Chapter 1 Vocabulary Quiz

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