Friday, March 13, 2020

May in EW

May 7 Chapter 2 - The Topic Sentence
1) do attendance, check completion on HW assignment
2) do and check Chapter 2 Vocabulary Quiz
3) discuss Chap. 2 The Topic Sentence
4) do Vocabulary Level Test
  • record levels for future reference
3) begin to discuss, work through and assign Chap. 3
  • read through Chap. 3 entirely
  • begin Chap. 3 exercises
1) do exercises in Chapter 3
2) study for Chapter 3 Vocabulary Quiz

May 14 - Chapter 3 - Supporting Sentences
1) do attendance, HW check on Shared Work Record
2) go through answers for Chap.
3) discuss and assign Chap. 4 Time Order

1) complete Chap. 4 exercises
2) TBD

May 21 - Chapter 4 - Time Order
1) do attendance, HW check on Shared Work Record
2) do Chap. 4 Vocabulary Quiz
3) go through answers for Chap. 4
4) discuss and assign Time Order Paragraph
1) create individual Google account (only if necessary)
2) complete Time Order Paragraph

May 28 - Evaluation of Time Order Paragraph
1) do Chap. 4 Vocabulary Quiz
2) review and discuss quality of writing on Time Order Paragraph
3) go through answers for Chap. 5
4) discuss, work through and assign Chap. 5 Space Order

1) complete Chap. 5 exercises
2) create, share and complete Space Order Paragraph
3) study for Chapter 5 Vocabulary Quiz

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