Thursday, March 12, 2020

June in EW

June 4 - Chapter 5 - Space Order
1) do attendance, HW check on Shared Work Record
2) do Chap. 5 Vocabulary Quiz
3) go through answers for Chap. 5
4) discuss, work through and assign Chap. 6 Process and Direction
  • read through Chap. 6 introduction
  • begin Chap. 6 exercises
1) complete Chap. 6 exercises, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4
2) create, share and write Process and Direction Paragraph - 締め切り - 6/18(月)

June 11 - Chapter 6: Process and Direction
1) do Chap. 6 Vocabulary Quiz
2) discuss results of Process and Direction Paragraph check

3) go through answers for Chap. 6
begin working through Chap. 7 Cause and Effect
5) discuss and assign HW
complete Chap. 7 exercises
2) TBD

  June 18 - Chapter 7: Cause and Effect
1) update Shared Work Record
2) do Vocabulary Quiz for Chapter 7
3) check answers for Chapter 7 exercises
4) set up (create and share) Cause and Effect Paragraph, set 締め切り
5) discuss and assign HW

1) complete Cause and Effect Paragraph(締め切り=7月2日)
2) do Chapter 8 exercises
3) prepare for Chapter 8 Vocabulary Quiz

June 25 - Chapter 8: Examples
1) review and discuss Cause and Effect Paragraphs
2) do Chapter 8 Vocabulary Quiz
3) review and check Chapter 8 text exercises
4) set up Chapter 8 writing assignment
5) discuss and assign HW

1) do Chapter 9 text exercises
2) create, share and write Examples Paragraph
(Choose one from the list below)
  • Examples of Protagonists in Literature
  • Examples of Antagonists in Literature
  • Examples of Genres in Literature
  • Examples of Supporting Characters in Literature

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